Mature Black Dragon

Mature Black Dragon
Level 15 (+7)
"Bilethroat, one of the more wretched of Dragons, even by his own breed’s standards, has spent several centuries in the Great Bog gradually hollowing out its resources. Several noble knights had approached the creature to rid the land of the accursed one, but of course, they only ended up adding to his wealth."
——Sendrol, Sage of the Four Kingdoms
Black Dragons are known for their cunning and sadistic nature, their appearance betraying these qualities. They have black scales tinged with sickly grey and green, and narrow, boney faces with many jagged horns that always appear to be aimed at whomever they are speaking to. As they grow older, the hide stretches taught over their skulls, giving them a somewhat sinister, skeletal appearance. Much like the Acid and Disease they spew forth on to their enemies, Black Dragons have vitriolic personalities and seek to spread their filth over the bogs and swamps they prefer to inhabit. Their mastery over the lands they claim allows them to command the bog itself to attack their prey, trapping them in sludge while the dragon tears them to pieces. While Black Dragons have a reputation for being extremely cruel and ornery, they sometimes like to capture and question humanoids before they kill them. Doing this allows them to learn the location of stockpiles of wealth that they may later claim for themselves. As Black Dragons live out in dark, relatively remote areas that others do not desire to tread, they have learned to hoard treasure through more proactive methods, and on occasion even recruit worshippers or enslaved adventurers to venture out and gather treasure for them.
Dragonsense (60ft), Darkvision, Superior Sight, Superior Scent
Max HP
Resilience: +6
Healing Value: 159
Resistances: Non-magical Weapons (50%), Caustic (Imm), Immune Sleep and Paralysis. Daze Resist (4). MR (1d6+6)
Attributes / Saving Throws
25 / 34
12 / 21
21 / 30
17 / 24
14 / 21
18 / 25
Saving Throw Modifiers:
Movement Modes
Shift 5ft / 2
Skirmish 60ft / 3
Sprint 80ft / 3
Fly 150ft / 3
Swim 60ft / 3
+18 vs AC (Crit 4%/12)
2d8+7 (avg 16) Slashing damage (ArN 3)
REC 3, Reach 5ft
+18 vs AC (Crit 9%/16)
Tail Swipe
2d8+7 (avg 16) Bludgeoning damage (ArN 4)
REC 4, Reach 10ft
+18 vs AC (Crit 9%/20)
2d12+14 (avg 27) Piercing damage (ArN 5)
REC 5, Reach 10ft
2d8+7 (avg 16) Slashing damage
Grapple +19
Special Actions
+14 vs Will
Frightful Presence
Pot 1d8+6
Automatic Action (Limit 1/rnd), Range 50ft
Targets all creatures within range. On a hit, targets suffer 1 Morale damage and are subject to Terror [SE, ST 4d10 vs CHA]. (Advanced)
Body Attacks
On each turn, roll 1d8 to determine the actions available to the Black Dragon.

Any result:
Basic Attack: Make a Claw or Tail Swipe. (Basic)

3 or more, choose one of the following:
Lashing Tail [REC 6]: Make an Tail Swipe attack on up to 3 continuous creatures within reach. On a hit, targets of Medium size or smaller are knocked Prone. (Advanced)
Buffet [REC 3]: The Dragon's wings push creatures from its presence. Choose either to attack all creatures within 20 ft, +14 vs Fortitude, and Pushed 10ft on a hit. Or, choose to attack all creatures in a 30ft cone, +14 vs Fortitude, and push 20ft on a hit. (Advanced)

7 or more:
Savage Strike [REC 6]: Make a Claw and Tail Swipe attack, on the same or different targets, +18 vs AC. On each hit, deal 4d8+7 (avg 25) damage. (Advanced)
Head Actions
On each turn, roll 1d8 to determine the actions available to the Black Dragon.

Any result, choose one of the following:
Bite: Make a Bite attack on one creature. (Basic)
Acid Spit [REC 5]: Attack one creature within 100ft, +14 vs Reflex. On a hit, deal 6d6+5 (avg 26) Caustic damage. (Basic, Pot 1d4+6, MR)

3 or more, choose one of the following:
Sucking Bog [CT 2, REC 3]: Target all creatures in 40ft area within 200ft, +14 vs Reflex. On a hit, targets are Restrained and suffer ongoing 30 Bludgeoning damage every 10 segments as the bog crushes them [SE, ST 4d10 vs STR]. (Basic, Pot 1d4+6, MR)
Darkness [CT 3, REC 2, Darkness]: The Black Dragon wreaths itself in a 20ft Aura of supernatural Darkness, causing all light sources within the area to be suppressed. This provides Superior Concealment from the visual sense to all creatures within the Aura (and to creatures outside the aura from creatures within the aura). This Concealment applies against Darkvision, but not Devilsightand other supernatural forms of vision. The Aura persists for 10 rounds. (Basic, Pot 1d4+6, MR)

5 or more, choose one of the following:
Vitriolic Sludge [CT 4, REC 3]: The Black Dragon summons force a burst of necrotic sludge, targeting all creatures in a 40ft diameter within 500ft, +14 vs Reflex. On a hit, the target suffers 6d6+25 (avg 46) Necrotic damage and any liquid carried by the target fouls and stagnates. If the liquid is magical (such as [a potion), it may make a Potency check against this effect. On a miss, the targets suffer half damage. (Advanced, Pot 1d8+6, MR Yes)
Pestilence [CT 3, REC 2]: Swarms of flying and biting insects burst forth from the bog, creating a dense cloud of insects that attacks up to 4 creatures within 50ft of each other (within 500ft of dragon). Make an attack on all creatures within the area, +14 vs Reflex. On a hit, creatures suffer 6d6+25 (avg 46) Piercing damage. On a miss, targets suffer half damage. (Advanced, Pot 1d8+6, MR No)

7 or more:
Acid Breath [REC 5 (Limit 1 per 2 actions)]: Targets all creatures in 100ft long, 20ft wide line, +14 vs Reflex. On a hit, targets suffer 6d6+50 Caustic damage. On a miss, targets suffer half damage. After damage is resolved, if a hit target is under a magic effect providing Reduction, Resistance, or Immunity to Caustic damage, make an opposed potency check. If the Black Dragon succeeds, the effect is dispelled. (Legendary, Pot 1d12+6, MR)
Overland Movement
150 mi/day
  • Double Initiative: A Dragon has two initiatives, one for its head and one for its body. The body takes actions to move and make most physical attacks (Claws, Tail Swipes, and Wing Attacks) while the head uses Cast abilities, Bite attacks, and controls the Dragon's Breath weapon. The dragon can use either of its initiatives to make Saving Throws (against any effect) and when it is Delayed, Dazed or Stunned the dragon may choose which initiative is affected.
  • Water Breathing: The Black Dragon can breath underwater.
  • Dragonsense: Dragons and their kin can magically sense the presence of all creatures within 60ft.
  • Legendary Creature: A Legendary Creature gains a +1 racial bonus to Morale and a +5 racial bonus to all Saving Throws. Also, the Legendary Creature does not lose the ability to use its "Automatic Actions" unless it is killed or rendered Unconscious.
  • Confidence: +1 racial bonus to Morale and a Morale Threshold of -2. Additionally, gain a +10 racial bonus to Bravery. (inc)
  • Draconic Resistance: Magic Resistance 1d6+6. Additionally, Immune to Sleep and Paralysis effects and gain Daze Resistance equal to Physical Rank. (inc)
  • Superior Sight & Scent: +2 racial bonus to Spot & Scent and a +4 racial bonus to Awareness. (inc)
  • Tough Scales: Natural Armor AC +4/+12, Ref +2. Additionally, gain Resistance to Non-magical Weapons (inc)
Skills: Rank 6 Stealth [+9], Rank 3 Swim [+13], Rank 4 Listen [+11], Rank 7 Spot [+19], Rank 6 Scent [+17], Rank 5 Hunting [+11], Rank 3 Mercantile [+9], Rank 5 Survival [+14], Rank 5 Investigate [+13], Rank 4 Eldritch Arts [+12], Rank 7 Coercion [+21], Rank 3 Deception [+10], Rank 2 Manipulation [+8], Rank 3 Persuasion [+9], Rank 4 Aloofness [+12], Rank 6 Bravery [+27], Rank 5 Intuition [+13], Rank 6 Suspicion [+15]
Feats: Fast Initiative, Improved Attack, Improved Parry, Improved Foritiude, Improved Reflex, Improved Will
Philosophies: Rank 2 Mental, Rank 4 Physical, Rank 6 Draconic
Combat Training: Cast 4, Melee 4, Parry 3, Fort 3, Reflex 2, Will 4
Wits: {{{Wits}}}, Brawn: {{{Brawn}}}
Equipment: None
Languages: Draconic
Composure: 28
  • Non-Dragons: Doubt 1, Hate 1
  • Smaller Creatures: Doubt 2