Drow Spellblade

Drow Spellblade
Level 13 (+6)
"You shall serve in the second wave, protecting the Nobles before they enter the fray. Suffer any truly dangerous adversaries to live before our arrival, and we will be displeased."
——Commands typically given to a Drow Spellblade
The Drow Spellblade is a House Warrior of common birth who has shown exceptional prowess in both martial combat and Eldritch magic, allowed access to some of the training and discipline normally only afforded noble males. Perhaps as much a method of survival as due to practice in such a hostile environment, the Drow Spellblade has learned to blend their spells with their attacks, combining the two natural affinities of the dark elves into a deadly weapon. These males are better equipped than others and are known to serve in elite units meant for overthrowing rival houses and carrying out risky assaults or raids.
Max HP
Resilience: +2
Healing Value: 71
Resistances: MR (1d6+3)
Attributes / Saving Throws
16 / 18
13 / 15
11 / 13
17 / 20
12 / 15
16 / 19
Saving Throw Modifiers: +4 vs Sleep & Charm
Movement Modes
Shift 5ft / 3
Skirmish 30ft / 4
Sprint 55ft / 4
+17 vs AC (Crit 2%/4)
2d8+3 damage (ArN 1)
REC 6, Reach 5ft
1d8+6 Bludgeoning damage
Grapple +11
Special Actions
Drow Spellblade Abilities
On each turn, roll 1d8 to determine the actions available to the Drow Spellblade.

Any result, choose one of the following:
Melee Basic: Make a Melee Basic Attack. (Basic)
Magic Missile [CT 2, REC 4]: Create 5 unerring missiles the deal 1d4+1 Force each. (Basic, Pot 1d4+5, MR Yes)

3 or more, choose one of the following:
Chilling Rapier [CT 1, REC 6]: Make a rapier attack. On a hit, the target also suffers an additional 10 Cold damage and 1d4 Stamina Damage. (Basic, Pot 1d4+5, MR Yes)
Web [CT 4, REC 4]: Creates a 40ft diameter area of sticky webs within 100ft, creating Entangling Terrain, that lasts for 10 rnds. Additionally, attack all creatures in the area at initial cast, +14 vs Reflex. On a hit, targets are Confined [SE, ST 3d10 vs STR or DEX]. If the webs ignite, all creatures in area suffer 2d6 Fire damage. (Basic, Pot 1d4+5, MR No)

5 or more, choose one of the following:
Ghoulish Rapier [CT 4, REC 6]: Make a Rapier attack. On a hit, the target is also Paralyzed [SE, ST 3d10 vs CON]. (Basic, Pot 1d4+5, MR Yes)
Fire Ball [CT 6, REC 5]: Targets all creatures in 40ft diameter area within 500ft, +14 vs Reflex. On a hit, deal 5d6+20 Fire damage and the target is Pushed [1d4 x 5]ft. On a miss, half damage. (Advanced, Pot 1d8+5, MR Yes)

7 or more, choose one of the following:
Vampiric Weapon [CT 3, REC 9]: Make a Rapier attack. On a hit, the target also suffers its Healing Value in Necrotic Damage. The Drow Spellblade regains hitpoints equal to the damage dealt (up to its Healing Value). (Advanced, Pot 1d8+5, MR Yes)
Innate Magic [Magical]
Each Ability may be used once per day:
Darkness [REC 6]: Cause an object to radiate darkness out to 20 ft, causing bright light to become dim and dim light to become completely dark. Creatures within the area of dim light have Partial Concealment, while those in complete darkness have Superior Concealment. (Basic, Pot 1d4+1, MR No)
Faerie Fire [REC 6]: All creatures and objects in 30ft diameter area within 100ft. Target's become outlined in a dim glow for 5 rounds, overcoming the benefits of natural or magical forms of Concealment (as with Faerie Fire Invocation). (Basic, Pot 1d4+1, MR Yes)
Levitate: For 1 round, the Drow may Levitate up to 20ft as a Standard Action [REC 3]. (Basic, Pot 1d4+1, MR No)
Overland Movement
30 mi/day
  • Sunlight Sensitivity: When first exposed to Sunlight (or similarly bright light), te Drow is Blinded for 10 segments. Thereafter, the Drow suffers a -2 penalty to attacks and defenses and a -5 penalty to Spot checks and Awareness.
  • Magic Resistance: 1d4 + [Mental Rank]. At 11th level, this increases to 1d6 + [Mental Rank]. At 21st level, it increases to 1d8 + [Mental Rank]. (inc)
  • Elven Kin: Gain a +4 racial bonus to Balance checks and a racial bonus to saving throws vs. Sleep and Charm effects equal to twice their Mental Rank [STB 2x[Mental Rank]]. (inc)
  • Strength of Mind: +2 racial bonus to Will (inc)
  • Drow Weaponry: Drow weapons and armor are enchanted to give bonuses to Attack or AC, but this magic will only function for someone of Drow race. In other hands, the weapons are considered to be of Masterwork quality. Additionally, when a drow weapon is exposed to direct sunlight, it quickly degrades and immediately loses its magical properties.
Skills: Rank 3 Balance [+6], Rank 2 Climb [+0], Rank 2 Escape [+2], Rank 2 Jump [+1], Rank 6 Stealth [+10], Rank 1 Swim [-2], Rank 3 Tumble [+2], Rank 4 Listen [+10], Rank 5 Spot [+12], Rank 4 Alchemy [+10], Rank 2 Herbalism [+6], Rank 3 Orienteering [+8], Rank 4 Ritual Casting [+10], Rank 2 Survival [+4], Rank 4 Investigate [+10], Rank 4 Eldritch Arts [+11], Rank 3 Martial Pract. [+8], Rank 3 Charm [+9], Rank 3 Coercion [+7], Rank 4 Deception [+11], Rank 4 Manipulation [+11], Rank 4 Persuasion [+10], Rank 3 Aloofness [+9], Rank 3 Bravery [+7], Rank 5 Intuition [+12], Rank 4 Suspicion [+10]
Feats: Fast Initiative [2], Great Morale, Improved Attack, Improved Speed
Philosophies: Rank 3 Mental, Rank 2 Physical, Rank 1 Fey, Rank 5 Eldritch, Rank 2 Martial
Combat Training: Cast 5, Melee 3, Parry 3, Fort 2, Reflex 3, Will 4
Wits: {{{Wits}}}, Brawn: {{{Brawn}}}
Equipment: Drow Chainmail (+1/+1), Rapier (+2)
Languages: Undercommon
Composure: 23
  • Above World Creatures: Hate 1, Doubt 1
  • Elves: Hate 2