
Kapoacinth Gargoyle
Level 6 (+4)
"Sebastian! Look! Over the side of the boat! So lifelike! Who would throw away such an amazing work of art?!"
——Tinama Whitefoul, Noble’s Daughter about to encounter a Kapaocinth
These cousins to traditional gargoyles are aquatic in nature, and are often disregarded as sunken works of art, covered in algae and weeds, which only adds to their camouflage. They have a demonic appearance, completed with bat-like wings, claws and horns. They hunt underwater by remaining motionless in their resilient Stone Form until prey of sufficient size swims by, at which point they use their large, finned wings to suddenly jet out after their meal. They attempt to impale their victims with a gore attack using their horns and once the momentum of their initial burst is lost, will rend targets to pieces with their claws. Just like other Gargoyles, the Kapoacinth are tough, vicious, and cruel, enjoying the act of toying with their food before they consume it. In the case of an unwary surface dweller, this often entails drowning them with horrific glee.
Darkvision, Tremorsense
Hitpoints: 54
Healing Value: 10
Resilience: +5
Resistances: Damage Reduction (10, overcome by Magic), Daze Resistance (2)
Vulnerabilities: None
Attributes / Saving Throws (1 AP)
15 / 19
14 / 18
18 / 22
7 / 8
11 / 12
8 / 9
Actions (+3 AP)
Standard Attacks (2 AP)
+8 vs AC (ArN 1)
Raking Claw
1d8 + 2 (avg 7) Slashing damage
Melee Reach 5ft • One creature
The Kapoacinth lashes out at its prey, attempting to cut into its flesh.
+8 vs AC (ArN 1)
Goring Horns
1d8 + 2 (avg 7) Piercing damage
Melee Reach 5ft • One creature
The Kapoacinth drives its horns straight into its target with intent to skewer.
1d8 + 2 (avg 7) Slashing damage
Grapple +7
Special Attacks (3 AP)
+8 vs AC (ArN 1)
Torrent Of Claws  • Advanced
4d8 + 7 (avg 25) Slashing damage
Melee Reach 5ft • One creature
The Kapoacinth ravenously assaults its victim, tearing at the body.
+8 vs AC (ArN 1)
Harpoon  • Advanced
4d8 + 2 (avg 20) Piercing damage
Melee Reach 5ft • One creature
The Kapoacinth shoots through the water with frightening agression. It moves up to its swim speed, driving its horns into the target. On a hit, a target of medium size or smaller is knocked Prone.
+6 vs Touch
Drown  • Advanced
Melee Reach 5ft • One creature of medium size or smaller
While in the water, the Kapoacinth attempts to Grab its opponent. On a hit, make a Grapple Check (+7 vs Grapple). On a hit, the target is Grabbed and the Kapoacinth drags the target under water (to a distance equal to its Swim speed). The Kapoacinth will attempt to maintain its hold on the target from then on, keeping it underwater until it Drowns.
+8 vs AC (ArN 1)
Shattering Dive [1/rest]  • Advanced
4d8 + 11 (avg 29) Bludgeoning damage
Melee Reach 5ft • One creature Grabbed by the Kapoacinth
The Kapoacinth holds onto a creature it has grabbed and moves up to its Swim Speed in the direction of a solid surface, slaming the target up against it. On a hit, the target is Stunned for 1d6+2 segments.
Immediate Actions
Stone Form  [Supernatural] • Advanced • Pot 1d8+4, MR No
A Kapoacinth may enter or exits from its Stone Form, where it remains unmoving and appears as a stone statue. While in this state, the Kapoacinth gains Damage Reduction (25) to all damage and is indistinguishable from stone (automatically succeeding Stealth checks against unaware creatures). While in this form, the Kapoacinth cannot move or take physical actions.
Move (1 AP), Double Move (3 AP)
5 ft
40 ft
60 ft
Overland Movement
40 mi/day
  • Stone Body: Damage Reduction (10) to Weapon Damage, overcome by Magic. (inc)
  • Tremorsense: Gain a +2 Racial bonus to Touch and Awareness versus creatures in contact with the ground. Can perfectly perceive any creature in contact with the ground. (inc)
  • Natural Armor: AC +3/+8, Ref +1 (inc)
Skills: Climb R2 (+7), Stealth R4 (+8), Swim R4 (+11), Listen R2 (+3), Spot R3 (+5), Touch R4 (+14), Survival R3 (+8), Coercion R2 (+4), Bravery R2 (+5)
Feats: Monstrous Damage, Daze Resistance
Philosophies: Rank 1 Mental, Rank 4 Physical
Combat Training: Melee 1, Ranged 1, Parry 1, Fort 1, Reflex 1, Will 1
Wits: +1, Brawn: +11
Equipment: None
Composure: 9
Languages: Primal
Motives: Ambush prey, defend territory

    Gargoyle Characteristics

    Gargoyles are malevolent, brutish creatures comprised of stone made flesh. They are vaguely humanoid with bat-like wings, clawed limbs and monstrous faces of varying appearances. Some appear as demons, others appear as beasts, their visage usually suiting the tastes of their creator. All gargoyles possess the same basic features, however: Claws, Teeth and Horns with which they may tear their victims apart, often after surprising them, utilizing their appearance and natural traits to disguise themselves as ordinary statues.


    These monsters have existed since before mortals learned to harness earth magic, but this is not known to most people. Gargoyles are made from living stone, found on the elemental plane of earth. When they are brought to the mortal plane, the process corrupts them, turning their thoughts towards malicious acts. Despite their impressive strength, however, gargoyles are weak minded beasts, and easily controlled. For this reason they are often forced into servitude by more powerful creatures or powerful wizards. When exploring an ancient keep or castle, most adventurers believe it wise to keep a watchful eye on the statues and stone work that decorate the area, for though the occasion is rare, an ambush by a murder of gargoyles is likely to be the end of an inexperienced adventuring party.


    On the elemental plane of earth, Gargoyles tend to hang around mountain tops and jagged peaks, swooping down on foreigners to their lands without discrimination. On the mortal plane, gargoyles tend to flock together in places laden with rock and stone. They don't normally gather in groups much larger than 5 or 6, preferring not to share their prey. If they are seen in larger crowds, it is usually because they have been summoned there and bound by a greater force. Gargoyles are predatory scavengers by nature, and always look to pick on the weakest and slowest victims, but will not hesitate to attack a stronger enemy if no other options are available.