Mature White Dragon
Mature White Dragon
White Dragon, CE Large Dragon
Legendary Monster, XP 14000
Level 14 (+6)
"The legend of Icehorn extends quite far across the frozen wastes, and it eventually grew to cover all the tundra. This is her land now, we’re just living in it as food for her larder."
——Hanmol, Human Water Shaman
The White Dragon is considered to be the stupidest and smallest of the evil dragons, but not necessarily the weakest. They are isolationist, preferring high mountain peaks covered in snow, deep within the tundra. A White Dragon’s head often appears like a smooth, rounded lizard skull due to the sunkenness of its features appear, with deep blue orbs set within the eye sockets. A Wyrmling is around 3 feet in length, and weighs about 75 lbs. They have dark grey scales that grow into a bright white as they age. As they advance in age, they grow much larger, and are often forced to move to higher ground lest they attract unwanted attention aimed at their growing treasure hoard. A fully-grown White Dragon can be nearly 30 feet in length and weigh about 16,000 lbs.
White Dragons possess a variety of inherent magical powers that allow them to assault enemies with freezing cold, not to mention their frigid breath weapon that chills victims to the bone. Despite this, White Dragons often succumb to their more animalistic instincts, preferring to engage their prey in melee with powerful claw and bite attacks. Since food is often scarce in the regions they inhabit, this breed of Dragon will frequently hoard food along with treasure, preserving it with its freezing breath for later consumption
White Dragons possess a variety of inherent magical powers that allow them to assault enemies with freezing cold, not to mention their frigid breath weapon that chills victims to the bone. Despite this, White Dragons often succumb to their more animalistic instincts, preferring to engage their prey in melee with powerful claw and bite attacks. Since food is often scarce in the regions they inhabit, this breed of Dragon will frequently hoard food along with treasure, preserving it with its freezing breath for later consumption
20 ft
Aura of Cold
15 Cold Damage. (Legendary, Pot 1d12+8, MR No)
Initiative 20/1d4
Resistances: Non-magical Weapons (50%), Cold (Imm), Immune Sleep and Paralysis. Daze Resist (4). MR 1d6+6
Attributes / Saving Throws
23 / 32
14 / 23
19 / 28
15 / 22
12 / 19
16 / 23
Saving Throw Modifiers:
Movement Modes
Shift 5ft / 2
Skirmish & Icewalking 60ft / 3
Sprint 80ft / 3
Burrow 30ft / 3
Fly 200ft / 3
Swim 60ft / 3
+17 vs AC (Crit 4%/16)
2d6+8 Slashing damage (ArN 2)
REC 3, Reach 5ft
+17 vs AC (Crit 14%/20)
Tail Swipe
2d8+8 Bludgeoning damage (ArN 3)
REC 4, Reach 10ft
+17 vs AC (Crit 14%/24)
2d12+16 Chopping damage (ArN 5)
REC 5, Reach 10ft
2d12+16 Chopping damage
Grapple +20
Special Actions
+14 vs Will
Frightful Presence [Mind-Affecting]
Automatic Action (Limit 1/rnd), Range 50ft
Targets all creatures within range. On a hit, targets suffer 1 Morale damage and are subject to Terror [SE, ST 4d10 vs CHA]. (Advanced)
Body Attacks
On each turn, roll 1d8 to determine the actions available to the White Dragon.
Any result:
♦ Basic Attack: Make a Claw or Tail Swipe attack. (Basic)
3 or more, choose one of the following:
♦ Lashing Tail [REC 6]: Make an Tail Swipe attack on up to 3 continuous creatures within reach. On a hit, deal +2d8 damage and targets of Medium size or smaller are knocked Prone. (Advanced)
♦ Air Buffet [REC 3]: The Dragon's wings push creatures from its presence. Choose either to attack all creatures within 20 ft, +14 vs Fortitude, and Pushed 10ft on a hit. Or, choose to attack all creatures in a 30ft cone, +14 vs Fortitude, and push 20ft on a hit. (Advanced)
7 or more:
♦ Savage Strike [REC 3]: Make a Claw attack. On a hit, deal +4d6 damage. (Legendary)
Head Actions
On each turn, roll 1d8 to determine the actions available to the White Dragon. The Dragon may cast Eldritch Spells at Rank 6, has an Arcana a +14, and has a Eldritch Might of 7. The White Dragon has a +8 bonus to Potency for Eldritch Spells.
Any result, choose one of the following:
♦ Bite: Make a Bite attack on one creature. (Basic)
♦ Ice Bolt [CT 2, REC 3]: Attack one creature within 100ft, +14 vs Reflex. On a hit, deal 6d6+7 Cold Damage. (Basic, Pot 1d4+8, MR Yes)
3 or more, choose one of the following:
♦ Gust of Wind [CT 2, REC 4] (Basic, Pot 1d4+8, MR No)
♦ Freezing Fog [CT 3, REC 2]: Create a 30ft diameter cloud within 100ft. The cloud provides Total Concealment to all creatures within, except to adjacent creatures who have Partial Concealment. All creatures within the cloud are Confined [SE, ST 4d10 vs STR]. (Advanced, Pot 1d4+8, MR No)
5 or more, choose one of the following:
♦ Frozen Void [CT 3, REC 2] (Advanced, Pot 1d8+8, MR No)
♦ Wall of Ice [CT 3, REC 2] (Advanced, Pot 1d8+8, MR No)
7 or more:
♦ Icy Breath [REC 5 (Limit 1 per 2 actions)]: Targets all creatures in 60ft cone, +14 vs Reflex. On a hit, targets suffer 8d6+50 Cold Damage. On a miss, targets suffer half damage. After damage is resolved, if a hit target is under a magic effect providing Reduction, Resistance, or Immunity to Cold damage, make an opposed potency check, 1d12+8 vs opposed power. If the white dragon succeeds, the effect is dispelled. (Legendary, Pot 1d12+8, MR No)
Overland Movement
200 mi/day
- Double Initiative: A Dragon has two initiatives, one for its head and one for its body. The body takes actions to move and make most physical attacks (Claws, Tail Swipes, and Wing Attacks) while the head uses Cast abilities, Bite attacks, and controls the Dragon's Breath weapon. The dragon can use either of its initiaves to make Saving Throws (against any effect) and when it is Delayed, Dazed or Stunned the dragon may choose which initiative is affected.
- Dragonsense: Dragon's can magically sense the presence of all creatures within 60ft.
- Icewalking: The White Dragon can walk and climb along icy surfaces (even overhangs) at its Skirmish speed without hindrance.
- Legendary Creature: The White Dragon gains a +1 racial bonus to Morale and a +5 racial bonus to all Saving Throws. Also, the White Dragon does not lose the ability to use its "Automatic Actions" unless it is killed or rendered Unconscious.
- Confidence: +1 racial bonus to Morale and a Morale Threshold of -2. Additionally, gain a +10 racial bonus to Bravery. (inc)
- Draconic Resistance: Magic Resistance 1d6+6. Additionally, Immune to Sleep and Paralysis effects and gain Daze Resistance equal to Physical Rank. (inc)
- Superior Sight & Scent: +2 racial bonus to Spot & Scent and a +4 racial bonus to Awareness. (inc)
- Tough Scales: Natural Armor AC +4/+12, Ref +2. Additionally, gain Resistance to Non-magical Weapons (inc)
Skills: Rank 6 Stealth [+9], Rank 3 Swim [+11], Rank 3 Listen [+7], Rank 7 Spot [+17], Rank 5 Scent [+13],Rank 5 Hunting [+11], Rank 3 Mercantile [+7], Rank 5 Survival [+12], Rank 5 Investigate [+11], Rank 4 Eldritch Arts [+10], Rank 7 Coercion [+19], Rank 2 Deception [+6], Rank 2 Manipulation [+6], Rank 3 Persuasion [+7], Rank 4 Aloofness [+10], Rank 6 Bravery [+25], Rank 5 Intuition [+11], Rank 6 Suspicion [+13]
Feats: Heavy Hitter, Improved Attack [2], Improved Potency, Big Crit
Philosophies: Rank 2 Mental, Rank 4 Physical, Rank 6 Draconic
Combat Training: Cast 4, Melee 4, Parry 3, Fort 3, Reflex 2, Will 4
Wits: {{{Wits}}}, Brawn: {{{Brawn}}}
Equipment: None
Languages: Draconic
Composure: 26
- Non-Dragons: Doubt 1, Hate 1
- Smaller Creatures: Doubt 2