Dread Reaper

Dread Reaper
Level 22 (+8)
"Look at me, mortal. Your ilk always insists that it is not your time, yet here I am. Death does not make mistakes."
——A Dread Reaper
The Reapers are a manifest aspect of death itself. Far more powerful than a lesser aspect, these dangerous otherworldly beings appear as cloaked humanoid effigies, complete with a dark, wraith-like hood that seems to move of its own accord, and a large, black scythe that seethes with the energies of unlife. Their host of magical attacks and weaponry threaten to annihilate anything they touch, either eroding living flesh or disintegrating it to nothing all together. While the common reaper exists to collect the common dead, the Dread Reaper’s purpose is to both deal with powerful individuals who are passing on, as well as those who have cheated death or extended their life unnaturally. A single look into the pale visage of a Dread Reaper shows a deceased reflection of the viewer, glazed over eyes and rotting flesh.
Devilsight, Lifesense
Despair Aura
All creatures within one or more Dread Reaper's aura's are subject to the following attack, +17 vs Will. On a hit, the target suffers 1 Morale Damage and is subject to Dread [SE, ST 6d10 vs CHA]. (Legendary)
Max HP
Resilience: +7
Healing Value: 67
Resistances: Non-Magic Weapon (Imm), Magical Weapons (50%), Sonic (50%), Cold (Imm), Necrotic (Imm), Radiant (Imm). Immune to Death, Disease, Fear, Paralysis, Petrification, Poisons/Toxins, and Sleep.
Defensive Actions
Gift of the Reaper
When the reaper would be hit with an attack, roll 1d100. On a 50% or lower, the attack misses. (Ultimate)
Attributes / Saving Throws
28 / 33
30 / 35
26 / 31
25 / 29
27 / 31
29 / 33
Saving Throw Modifiers:
Movement Modes
Shift 5ft / 2
Skirmish 35ft / 3
Fly (Hover) 60ft / 3
+19 vs AC (Crit 10%/20)
Death Scythe
3d10+24 Annihilation damage
REC 7, Reach 5ft
If the target is a living creature, the attack is an automatic Full Hit.
3d8+14 Bludgeoning damage
Grapple +22
Special Actions
Relentless Pursuit
Free Action
Death is relentless in its pursuit of its victims. If a creature within reach of the Reaper moves out of the Reaper's reach, the reaper may immediately moves up to its Fly speed to a location within reach of the creature. This movement does not grant an opportunity to the triggering creature. (Legendary)
Permanency of Death
No Action
Whenever a Reaper deals an injury to a living creature, the injury is automatically upgraded to a lethal injury. (Legendary)
Dread Reaper Abilities
On each turn, roll 1d10 to determine the actions available to the Reaper.

Any result, choose one of the following:
Basic Attack: Make a Death Scythe Attack (Basic)
Spinning Scythe: The Reaper throws his Scythe at a creature within 50ft. Make a Death Scythe Attack. After the attack, the Scythe returns the the Reaper's hand. (Basic)
Death Comes for All [Death, Limit 1/combat] [FT 5, REC 8]: Targets all creatures within 50ft, +17 vs Fortitude. On a hit, the targets suffer 6d10+75 Annihilation damage and the target is Marked for Death [SE, ST 6d10 vs CHA]. If the target does not save within 20 segments, the target dies. (Ultimate, Pot 2d8+8, MR Yes)

3 or more, choose one of the following:
Sweep [REC 9]: Make a Death Scythe attack up to 4 continuous creatures. (Basic)
Shatter Ward [FT 4, REC 4]: Targets one power or magical ability protecting against Death magic or providing immunity to Death effects, such as Death Ward or Do No Harm. Make an Opposed Potency check. If the check succeeds, the ability is dispelled. (Advanced, Pot 1d12+8, MR No)

5 or more, choose one of the following:
Chosen by Death: Make a Death Scythe attack on one creature within reach. On a hit, the target suffers +3d10 damage and the target is Stupefied [SE, ST 5d10 vs CON]. (Advanced)
Essence of Death [CT 4, REC 5]: Targets all living creatures in a 60ft diameter area within 500ft, +17 vs Fortitude. On a hit, the target suffers 4d10+30 Necrotic damage. On a miss, target suffers Half Damage. (Advanced, Pot 1d8+8, MR Yes)

8 or more, choose one of the following:
Mass Murder: Make a Death Scythe attack on all creatures within reach. On a hit, the target suffers +5d10 damage. (Legendary)
Return Soul [FT 10, REC 5]: The Reaper returns the soul of the recently dead. Targets one mortal creature that has died within the last phase. The target is restored to life with Maximum Hitpoints, it regains all Spent and Burnt Energy, and all Maladies (including Diseases, Poisons, and Toxins), and Injuries are removed (though traits resulting from injuries remain). The body of the creature must not be destroyed or the ability fails. (Ultimate, Pot 2d8+8, MR Yes)
Overland Movement
30 mi/day
  • Become the Reaper: To pick up the Scythe of a reaper is to become a reaper oneself. If a creature ever picks up a reaper's weapon, it immediately becomes a reaper itself and is bound to the immortal service of Death.
  • Immortal: A Reaper is Immortal and cannot die (though it can be destroyed). When a Reaper is reduced to 0 hitpoints, it shifts out of phase until it has recovered.
  • Death Never Misses: Scythe attacks against living creatures are an automatic Full Hit. (inc)
  • Reaper Resistances: The Reaper is Immune to Cold, Necrotic, and Radiant damage. Additionally, it is Immune to Death, Disease, Fear, Paralysis, Petrifying and Petrified, Poisons/Toxins, and Sleep. (inc)
  • Incorporeal: Immune to Non-Magical Attacks. Can move through solid objects without hindrance, cannot be Grabbed, Restrained, or similarly bodily affected (inc).
  • Insubstantial: Resistance to Weapon Damage (i.e. Bludgeoning, Chopping, Slashing and Piercing) and Sonic damage.(inc).
  • Lifeless: Neither living, dead, nor undead. A lifeless creature does not need to sleep, eat, or breath.
  • Lifesense: Lifesense allows a creature to detect the life force of all living creatures around them. Additionally, it grants these creatures a +5 Racial bonus to Spot and Awareness against living creatures (inc).
  • Devilsight: Creatures with Devilsight can see through any Darkness, even that brought on by Supernatural or Magic effects.
Skills: Rank 4 Balance [+17], Rank 3 Climb [+14], Rank 5 Escape [+19], Rank 3 Jump [+15], Rank 9 Stealth [+27], Rank 6 Tumble [+21], Rank 9 Listen [+26], Rank 9 Spot [+31], Rank 6 Investigate [+12], Rank 7 Coercion [+22], Rank 3 Deception [+15], Rank 4 Manipulation [+17], Rank 7 Persuasion [+22], Rank 6 Aloofness [+21], Rank 8 Bravery [+25], Rank 8 Intuition [+24], Rank 5 Tolerance [+19], Rank 6 Suspicion [+20]
Feats: Improved Speed [2], Fast Initiative [3], Heavy Hitter [2]
Philosophies: Rank 4 Mental, Rank 5 Physical, Rank 8 Shadow
Combat Training: Cast 4, Melee 4, Parry 3, Fort 2, Reflex 3, Will 4
Wits: {{{Wits}}}, Brawn: {{{Brawn}}}
Equipment: Death Scythe
Languages: All Humanoid Languages
Composure: 45
    Motives: Reap souls that have escaped death