Mature Gold Dragon

Mature Gold Dragon
Level 19 (+8)
Dragonsense, Darvision, Superior Scent
Max HP
Resilience: +6
Healing Value: 208
Resistances: Non-Magic Weapons (50%), Fire (Imm). Immune to Sleep and Paralysis. Daze Resist (4). MR (1d6+7).
Attributes / Saving Throws
33 / 42
10 / 19
23 / 32
24 / 33
27 / 36
28 / 37
Saving Throw Modifiers:
Movement Modes
Shift 5ft / 2
Skirmish 60ft / 3
Fly 200ft / 3
Swim 60ft / 3
Frightful Presence
+15 vs Will
Automatic  • Range 50ft • All creatures within range
A wave of supernatural fear issues forth from the dragon. On a hit, targets suffer 1 Morale Damage and are subject to Terror [SE, ST 4d10 vs CHA].
+18 vs AC (ArN 5)
Standard REC 3 • Melee Reach 10ft
2d8 + 13 (avg 24) Slashing damage (Crit 4%/0)
Tail Swipe
+18 vs AC (ArN 6)
Standard REC 4 • Melee Reach 15ft
2d10 + 13 (avg 26) Bludgeoning damage (Crit 4%/0)
+18 vs AC (ArN 7)
Standard REC 5 • Melee Reach 15ft
2d10 + 26 (avg 39) Chopping damage (Crit 4%/0)
2d10 + 26 (avg 28) Bludgeoning damage
Grapple +24
Special Actions
Body Actions
Lashing Tail
+18 vs AC (ArN 6)
Standard REC 6 • Melee Reach 15ft • Up to 3 continuous creatures within reach.
2d10 + 13 (avg 26) Bludgeoning damage (Crit 4%/0)
The dragon's tail sweeps through its opponents, knocking them from their feet. On a hit, targets of Large size or smaller are knocked Prone.
+16 vs Fortitude
Standard REC 3 • All creatures within 30ft or all creatures within 40ft cone
With a great flap of the dragon's wings, he pushes creatures from his presence. On a hit, creatures are Pushed 15ft (when targeting all creatures within 30ft) or 30ft (when targeting creatures in a cone).
Savage Strike [per encounter]
+18 vs AC (ArN 7)
Standard REC 6 • Melee Reach 15ft • One creature
4d10 + 43 (avg 67) Bludgeoning damage (Crit 4%/0)
The Dragon attacks with a flurry of teeth and claws.
Snatch [per day]
+16 vs Touch
Standard REC 6 • Melee Reach 15ft • One creature
The Dragon flys by an opponent, snatching it with its claws. On a hit, make an Opposed Grapple Check (+24 vs Grapple). On a successful grapple, the target is Grabbed and carried with the dragon as it flies up into the air up to its fly speed. At the end of its movement, the Dragon drops the target, leaving it to suffer Falling damage as it falls back to the ground. This movment does not provoke an Opportunity from the target of the attack.
Head Actions
The Dragon may cast Eldritch Spells at Rank 7, has an Arcana and Devotion of +15, and has a Eldritch Might of 9.
Scorching Ray [CT 2, REC 2] (Basic, Pot 1d4+8, MR Yes)
Magic Missile [CT 1, REC 2] (Basic, Pot 1d4+8, MR Yes)
Daze [CT 2, REC 2] (Basic, Pot 1d4+8, MR Yes)
Sleep [CT 3, REC 1] (Basic, Pot 1d4+8, MR Yes)
Darkness [CT 2, REC 1] (Basic, Pot 1d4+8, MR Yes)
Fiery Breath [Limit 1 Breath per 2 rounds]
Legendary • Pot 1d12+8, MR Yes
+16 vs Reflex
Standard REC 5 • Area 90ft Cone • All creatures in area
4d10 + 94 (avg 118) Fire damage (Crit 4%/0)
On a miss, targets suffer half damage. After damage is resolved, if a hit target is under a magic effect providing Reduction, Resistance, or Immunity to Fire damage, make an opposed potency check, 1d12+7 vs opposed power. If the Gold Dragon succeeds, the effect is dispelled.
Gaseous Breath [Limit 1 Breath per 2 rounds]
 [PoisonLegendary • Pot 1d12+8, MR Yes
+16 vs Fortitude
Standard REC 5 • Area 90ft Cone • All creatures in area
On a hit, targets are Weakened [SE, ST 5d10 vs CON]. Creatures who do not breathe are immune to this effect.
Fireball [Per Encounter] [CT 3, REC 3] (Advanced, Pot 1d8+8, MR Yes)
Slow [Per Encounter] [CT 3, REC 1] (Advanced, Pot 1d8+8, MR Yes)
Wall of Fire [Per Encounter] [CT 3, REC 2] (Advanced, Pot 1d8+8, MR Yes)
Stinking Cloud [Per Encounter] [CT 3, REC 2] (Advanced, Pot 1d8+8, MR Yes)
Alternate Form [Per Encounter]
Ultimate • Pot 2d8+8, MR No
Standard REC 5 • All creatures in area
The Gold Dragon can assume the form of any animal or humanoid of Medium Size or smaller. The dragon stays in that form until it chooses to assume a new one or return to its true form.
Chain Lightning [Per Day] [CT 4, REC 2] (Legendary, Pot 1d12+8, MR Yes)
Cloudkill [Per Day] [CT 3, REC 2] (Legendary, Pot 1d12+8, MR Yes)
Mind Fog [Per Day] [CT 3, REC 3] (Legendary, Pot 1d12+8, MR Yes)
Globe of Invulnerability [Per Day] [CT 2, REC 2] (Legendary, Pot 1d12+8, MR Yes)
Overland Movement
200 mi/day
  • Double Initiative: A Dragon has two initiatives, one for its head and one for its body. The body takes actions to move and make most physical attacks (Claws, Tail Swipes, and Wing Attacks) while the head uses Cast abilities, Bite attacks, and controls the Dragon's Breath weapon. The dragon can use either of its initiatives to make Saving Throws (against any effect) and when it is Delayed, Dazed or Stunned the dragon may choose which initiative is affected.
  • Water Breathing: The Black Dragon can breath underwater.
  • Legendary Creature: A Legendary Creature gains a +1 racial bonus to Morale and a +5 racial bonus to all Saving Throws. Also, the Legendary Creature does not lose the ability to use its "Automatic Actions" unless it is killed or rendered Unconscious.
  • Confidence: +1 racial bonus to Morale and a Morale Threshold of -2. Additionally, gain a +10 racial bonus to Bravery. (inc)
  • Draconic Resistance: Magic Resistance [1d6 + Draconic Rank]. Additionally, Immune to Sleep and Paralysis effects and gain Daze Resistance equal to Physical Rank. (inc)
  • Dragonsense: Dragons and their kin can magically sense the presence of all creatures within 60ft.
  • Superior Vision & Scent: +2 racial bonus to Spot & Scent and a +4 racial bonus to Awareness. (inc)
  • Tough Scales: Natural Armor AC +3/+14, Ref +1. Additionally, gain Resistance to Non-magical Weapons (inc)
Skills: Stealth R7 (+9), Swim R5 (+18), Listen R4 (+15), Spot R7 (+23), Scent R6 (+21), Disguise R5 (+18), First Aid R5 (+17), Hunting R4 (+12), Mercantile R5 (+18), Survival R4 (+15), Investigate R5 (+17), Eldritch Arts R5 (+17), Religious Arts R3 (+14), Coercion R7 (+23), Deception R3 (+13), Manipulation R2 (+11), Persuasion R6 (+19), Aloofness R3 (+13), Bravery R6 (+29), Intuition R5 (+17), Tolerance R4 (+16), Suspicion R6 (+19)
Feats: Fast Intitiative, Improved Potency, Heavy Hitter, Fast Initiative, Fast Intitiative
Philosophies: Rank 4 Mental, Rank 4 Physical, Rank 7 Draconic
Combat Training: Cast 3, Melee 3, Fort 3, Reflex 3, Will 3
Wits: +15, Brawn: +24
Equipment: None
Languages: Draconic,
Composure: 40